Active Mom Fitness

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2018 Reflections

I’m a planner and organizer, so I always look forward to the New Year as a chance to set new goals and create a plan to accomplish them. However, more recently I realized that I’ve been missing a step... I don’t properly take time to reflect on the year that is coming to a close. I have been depriving myself from celebrating accomplishments and acknowledging where I fell short. So before we storm into 2019 with new goals and hopes, take some time with me to reflect on 2018. Inspired by several different reflection resources online, I’ve compiled this one for you below.

I will provide a goal setting guide as we enter into the New Year. Expect it the first week of January.

2018 Reflection Questions

1. What I know about myself today that I didn’t know a year ago…

2. This year I dedicated too much time to…

3. This year I didn’t spend enough time…

4. The most valuable relationships to me this year were…

5. I improved my wellness in the following ways…

6. _________ brought me happiness this year.

7. _______ stressed me out this year.

8. I overcame the following obstacle...with the following skill or superpower…

9. I said I was going to ______ this year, and I did.

10. I said I was going to ______ this year, and I didn’t.

I hope you enjoyed the reflection. Let’s take these achievements and lessons learned and take on 2019! If you’re ready to get a jump on your fitness resolutions, check out my January specials.