Active Mom Fitness

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Designing a Personalized Fitness Plan

Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing so many apps like Nike and Peloton offer prenatal and postpartum workouts. However, the downside is that most moms will jump around to different workouts and won’t “personalize” their exercise program.

When I talk about a personalized workout plan, I’m referring to developing and following an exercise regimen specifically for you. This doesn’t mean you have to work with a personal trainer or that every exercise session needs to be planned specifically for you, however, that is the ultimate way to make sure you have a customized exercise plan. 

Personalization just means that you’re aware of what you need, and what it will take for you to reach your goals. You can still try different apps or studio workouts, but you should be intentional in the classes you’re choosing, when you’re doing them, and how you’re recovering from them. 

Motherhood is a time to be strategic in your plan and stay away from haphazardly following fitness influencers and trends. Personalizing your fitness routine will help you stay consistent and see the results you’re working toward! Exercise can be your biggest mental and physical health tool if you approach it the right way!

What are the benefits of personalizing your mom fitness program?

Personalization is advantageous for all moms, but particularly when you’re training during and after pregnancy. Your prenatal exercise routine and postpartum fitness plan should most definitely be customized. With a tailored regimen, you can expect:

  • Workouts that fit into your daily routine. With a personalized plan, you design the workout schedule around your existing commitments (which often fluctuate as your child goes through different phases, so be ready to adapt often). 

  • Personal goal achievement. Generic plans only help you meet general goals. If you have specific goals, then you need a targeted workout plan. For example previous to pregnancy you may have been training for toned abs, but during pregnancy, this is not your aim so your plan needs to change so that it aligns with your prenatal goals. 

  • A safe progression in exercise. A personalized plan will have you progress at a pace appropriate for your individual fitness level. Each workout should build on the previous one.

  • Faster results. Don’t spend your precious time and energy on exercises that may not be your priority. Instead, customize your plan for effectiveness and efficiency. For example, you may have liked using the elliptical machine during pregnancy, but if your main focus postpartum is alleviating back pain then the majority of your effort should be spent on core stability workouts instead of sweating away at the gym.

So how do you personalize your fitness routine?

The first step is being self-aware of the factors that you should account for. Here are a few examples of things to consider when planning for fitness success:

  1. Exercise History

  2. Current Energy Levels

  3. Physical Injuries or Conditions

  4. Lifestyle Factors

By reflecting on your unique situation and needs in areas like these, you can craft a fitness routine with purpose. Try this self-assessment as an initial step toward personalizing your exercise program.

Evaluate Often

As you move through motherhood your needs WILL change so remain flexible and be willing to reassess. Your needs in your second trimester may be different than your first trimester, and your progress postpartum may be slower than expected. Be ready to make adjustments so that your fitness journey is fluid and customized.  

No one-size-fits-all workout plan can give you the same benefits as a thoughtful and personalized plan. I'm on a mission to help moms feel strong and confident by taking control of their fitness journey. I hope I’ve inspired you to determine a clear direction for your unique needs so that you can develop a fitness plan that works for you!