How Moms Can Feel More Confident in Their Postpartum Body at the Gym

(guest contributor)

Body positivity is a difficult for many people. While social media is better at embracing different types of bodies, with more and more influencers and celebrities showing off their real physiques, that doesn’t mean we don’t have far to go.

As a new mom, it can feel challenging to be confident in your body after birth. Your body has gone through an amazing process, but even with all the respect we have for its ability postpartum, the feeling of being disconnected to it and it looking different than before can impact your confidence.

The idea of a post-baby body can put many new moms off from going to the gym altogether. Here are some suggestions as you begin to regain confidence.

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Wear clothes you feel great in.

This might mean tighter leggings and tops where the compression helps you feel supported, or baggier clothes with a little more wiggle room. You should wear whatever makes you feel confident and allows you to perform the exercise correctly.

When shopping for gym clothes after having your baby, you could consider brands that support women who embrace their curves, like Curves n Combatboots.

Book a personal training session.

Personal trainers don’t just exist for fitness fanatics - they exist for anyone who wants to feel good in their body again and needs that additional support. Giving birth can make your body feel foreign to you, and that disconnect is often troubling for new moms. 

New moms might feel best working with a trainer that has been through pregnancy and is knowledgeable in postnatal fitness. Connecting with a fitness professional that understands how overwhelming it can feel to return to exercise, can help you to feel more and more confident and address your postpartum needs.

Workout in a community with other moms

Being around like-minded individuals can provide the additional support and confidence nudge you need. Exercise should make you feel good and shouldn’t be a source of stress. Find a community that you feel comfortable around.

Final Thoughts

Body confidence doesn’t happen overnight; it can only be achieved through constant work to find self acceptance. If you are returning to the gym after birth, try these tips to feel your best self!