NBC Philadelphia Visit Active Mom Fitness and interviews Ashley Reid about prenatal exercise and postpartum fitness, speaking specifically about core training and strength training during and after pregnancy.

Mom and daughter roller skating

Meet Ashley, Founder

Ashley Reid is an award-winning Pre/Postnatal Wellness Practitioner, Exercise Physiologist, and Founder of Active Mom Fitness®. With over 20 years of experience in the health and fitness industry, Ashley has become a trusted resource for moms, healthcare providers, and fitness professionals.

Her mission is simple: empower moms to feel strong, confident, and capable throughout all stages of motherhood. After personally experiencing the lack of reliable fitness resources for moms, she created Active Mom Fitness to bridge the gap between knowing you "should" exercise and understanding how to do it safely and effectively during pregnancy and postpartum.

Active Mom Fitness is inclusive and Ashley ensures programs contradict the harmful "bounceback" culture, encouraging moms to set meaningful benchmarks beyond weight loss. (add social proof, such as testimonials from moms who have used her programs)

Expertise You Can Trust

Ashley holds an impressive range of certifications and qualifications, including:

  • Degree in Kinesiology with a concentration in Sports Medicine from the University of Virginia

  • American College of Sports Medicine Certified Exercise Physiologist® (ACSM-EP®), developing exercise prescriptions for people who are healthy or have medically controlled diseases

  • Exercise is Medicine® Credential, providing exercise guidance as an extended member of the healthcare team

  • Functional Movement Systems certification

  • Prenatal/Postpartum Exercise Design certification

  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), applying scientific knowledge to design and implement safe and effective strength training and conditioning programs and provide guidance regarding nutrition and injury prevention

Her extensive credentials and partnerships with leading women's health practices and hospitals have established her as a leading expert in the field. Active Mom Fitness is a four-time winner of ‘Best Exercise Program for New & Expecting Moms’ and (add social proof, such as media features, awards, or partnerships here)

A System That Works: Core, Function, and Fitness®

Ashley’s Core, Function & Fitness approach is a proven framework that addresses the unique needs of moms. It’s designed to:

  • Core: Build core strength by addressing common issues like diastasis recti, pelvic floor dysfunction, and back pain.

  • Function: Focus on functional movements to help moms meet the physical demands of pregnancy, postpartum, and motherhood.

  • Fitness: Adapt workouts to moms’ real-life challenges like sleep deprivation, lack of energy, and time constraints.

This progressive and effective strategy is tailored to help moms safely navigate pregnancy and postpartum recovery while improving their overall quality of life.

Empowering Moms and Professionals

Ashley’s programs aren’t just for moms—they are designed to equip fitness professionals, physical therapists, and healthcare providers with the knowledge they need to support their clients and patients. Through her courses and workshops, she has trained professionals to offer maternal exercise solutions that meet motherhood's physical and emotional challenges.

  • Ashley is an ACE-approved Continuing Education Provider, offering online and in-person training

  • She is a frequent presenter at international health and fitness summits

  • Healthcare professionals regularly refer patients to her programs for guidance on prenatal exercise, postpartum recovery, and exercising with conditions such as pelvic floor dysfunction, symphysis pubis, and diastasis recti.

(add social proof, such as testimonials from professionals or quotes from health institutions here)

A Personal Connection ??

Ashley’s passion for strength training started early. Growing up in Madison, Wisconsin, she bought her first weight bench at age 12 and has been committed to fitness ever since. Her connection to exercise is what drives her today, not just to improve physical health, but to transform confidence and quality of life for moms everywhere.

Thank you for your interest in Active Mom Fitness. Click here for answers to commonly asked questions or here to see what other moms are saying. Use the contact form below with specific inquiries or to register for continuing education courses.



At what point should I begin “Prenatal Exercise”? There is no one size fits all and it’s less about fitness level and more about preparing your body for the changes to come. At Active Mom Fitness you are welcome at any trimester. By starting to focus on prenatal-specific exercise early, you’ll learn how to properly incorporate the pelvic floor into core and strength training. Starting in the third trimester will help you stay active until delivery while preparing you for the postpartum period.

What training options are available to me? You can review all of your options by navigating to the menu of services. All options can be purchased and scheduled online. If you’d like to form your own group of 2-4 people, you can use the contact form to set it up.

Can I continue to work with Active Mom Fitness after pregnancy? Absolutely! It is advised to work with a postnatal exercise specialist so that your return to exercise addresses the changes to your body in an effective and safe way.

Are there any precautions I should take with exercising while pregnant? Make sure you have supportive shoes and a good bra. Stay well hydrated. Eat a snack before exercise. Avoid overheating. Challenge yourself, but don’t lift weights that cause you to strain. We follow the ACOG/ACSM guidelines. Click here for information on when to stop exercising while pregnant.


Am I considered postpartum? The term postpartum often has different meanings. The true definition is “following childbirth”. We use the term postpartum, but your workouts are always going to be need-based and not based on a specific timeframe. So whether 6 weeks after birth or 6 years, if it’s your first step toward fitness after having a baby we’re going to start building your core strength fitness foundation first. All postpartum groups will assume you need to start with building a fitness foundation before beginning more vigorous activity.

How soon can I begin exercise after having a baby? Most people will wait to be “cleared for exercise”. The issue with this is that your medical clearance has nothing to do with your fitness ability or your personal progression in exercise. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, but for most people who did not have a complicated delivery, you can start reconnecting with your pelvic floor and deep core muscles through breath, walking, and stretching before 6-8 weeks. You should not start more vigorous activity until after you have been cleared by your doctor, and after you have begun to address core strength and functional needs. You can begin working with Active Mom Fitness when you feel ready to start moving more.

What training options are available to me? You can review all of your options by navigating to the menu of services. All options can be purchased and scheduled online. If you’d like to form your own group of 2-4 people, you can use the contact form to set it up.

How do I know if my abs are separated and can you fix it? Abdominal separation is called diastasis recti, which is the separation of your rectus abdominal muscles (six packs abs). The actual muscles aren’t torn, but the connective tissue connecting the muscles is stretched, causing your abdominal muscles to be separated from each other. Google it and you’ll probably find exercise Do’s and Don’ts, and promises to fix it. It’s really not that black and white; as depth, amount of separation, integrity of the connective tissue, and your ability to activate your muscles all come into play. As a fitness professional, it’s out of my scope to “diagnose” diastasis recti or any pelvic floor concern, but I do assess for it and will design your program around it.

Can I bring my baby to the studio? There is no dedicated childcare area in the studio, but you may bring your immobile baby to private training (inquire about group series space) if childcare is a barrier. There is a changing table and you are welcome to feed and attend to your baby as needed.

I don’t think I have any postpartum issues, will your workouts still be challenging for me? Yes! All exercise programs are going to be safe and progressive, yet challenging.

Can I continue to work with you after the postpartum period? Absolutely! Moms should feel strong and confident through all stages of motherhood. See the menu of services to learn more about your options.

More Info for All

What is the Core, Function & Fitness training method? This approach was created by Ashley Reid and has helped hundreds of moms feel strong and confident. The idea is that core strength and function is the base of your pyramid, next you should be able to function and move through daily life and workouts without pain, and finally fitness represents what you’d typically think of when it comes to exercise goals (cardio, strength, flexibility, running, weight loss, etc.). You can also look at this method as a pie chart. Your needs will determine what percentage each component holds and will shift as you progress and move through motherhood.

Can I combine services? Yup! You can participate in as many services or programs as you’d like.

My kids are older, are the workouts still good for me? Yes! I know the demands of motherhood both from a physical standpoint and a time perspective. I make sure your workouts address your needs and goals, and that you're not wasting your time exercising without a plan. You’ll gain core strength, muscle definition, and more. The Core, Function & Fitness membership is meant for moms like you!

I’m not a mom, can I still work out with you? Indeed you can. I choose to work with moms because there is a gap in knowledge and care when it comes to prenatal and postpartum exercise. However, my approach to core training and fitness is beneficial and result-producing for everyone. Please contact me for training options.

Do I need to do the Consult session? It is required with private training. If you want your group sessions to feel personalized or if you have specific concerns, then you should also schedule a consultation.

What do you have at the studio? The studio is fully stocked with bands, dumbbells, barbells, Hip thrust, TRX trainers, benches, steps, Pilates balls, mats, and other equipment. There is a restroom with a changing table. You’ll have a place to hang your coat and put small belongings like keys/phone. There is no lobby/waiting area, lockers, or showers. There is no parking lot, but street parking is free (the studio is located a 1/2 block from the Berks station stop on the Market Frankford line).


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