The Rise of the Active Mom Movement

If you're reading this, chances are you're part of the powerful movement of moms committed to exercising through pregnancy and beyond. You should feel empowered and proud to be part of this growing revolution. I recently presented at a global conference for the fitness industry and shared information on trends, challenges, and opportunities. I thought you might be interested to see what’s happening in Mom Fitness too!


A Glimpse at Mom Fitness Today

I’ve been fortunate to witness just how many moms are prioritizing physical activity and fitness during and after pregnancy. At Active Mom Fitness in Philadelphia, PA we use functional strength and core training as a tool so that moms can comfortably adapt to the body’s changes during pregnancy and safely return to physical activity after having a baby. It’s evident with apps like Peloton adding natal options, and the number of elite athlete moms competing during and after pregnancy, that exercise and sport during and after pregnancy is here to stay.

Unfortunately, the fitness industry hasn’t quite caught up with this demand. Maternal exercise researchers are moving us forward, but we’ve gone years without sufficient prenatal or postpartum-specific studies to inform exercise programs, especially when it comes to more vigorous activity and sport. There is a recent study that I hope fitness professionals get their hands on. Researchers show that both the mother and the fetus can tolerate high-intensity exercise (they did 10, 1-minute intervals at 90% or more of their maximum heart rate). Of course, every pregnancy is different, and your individual fitness level, abilities, and pelvic floor muscle tolerance matter. But isn't it motivating to see more evidence backing this up so you can feel safe doing the activities you enjoy?? I hope maternal researchers continue to push this field so that moms have evidence-based exercise programs to follow through motherhood.

A stat that I hope improves is that up to 60% of pregnant mamas aren't getting adequate exercise guidance from their doctors. Although doctors are not trained in exercise prescription, with collaboration between obstetricians and qualified pre/postnatal exercise specialists this gap can be closed. Moms don’t deserve to feel overwhelmed and alone navigating exercise through motherhood, we have enough on our plates! The increased awareness through professional athletes competing and moms like yourself demanding more support will help our cause, but there is still work to be done.

It’s Not Easy

Despite this movement toward more exercise and activity through the stages of motherhood, moms face very real barriers. You may have to deal with mixed messages about exercise. One day it's "put your feet up," and the next it's "slay your bounce-back goals!" You have misguided influencer narratives to contend with and old-school thinking to debate.  

One element that I always educate fitness professionals about in my continuing education courses is the fear factor. If you've ever felt intimidated, anxious, or confused about working out during or after pregnancy, you're not alone. For many a difficult conception journey, traumatic birth experience, or even mom guilt can enhance anxiety and fears around exercise and you may need support to navigate those feelings.

And of course, there are always the obvious challenges like fatigue, aches, nausea, and the whole life-changing experience of new motherhood thing. That is where a community like Active Mom Fitness can be helpful. You’re motivated not just by your personal trainer, but getting practical suggestions and support from moms going through the same experience. Additionally, every exercise class or session is designed with those factors in mind. Trust me, as a mom myself and after working with hundreds of moms, “I get it” and I want to help you get through it so that you can exercise until your due date, and feel confident getting back to physical activity after having your baby!

What Was The Point of This Article

I just wanted to let you know that: 

  1. If you’re continuing to set goals, seek support, and keep moving then you’re part of this amazing growing movement of Active Moms and you should be proud. 

  2. Based on the research, the field of pre/postnatal exercise and sport is growing, but we’re not where we need to be. However, when it comes to healthcare and fitness, work with people who are seeking updated evidence so they can provide you with the best support

  3. There will always be challenges. Know it’s a journey through motherhood and it doesn’t have to look perfect. Find someone who can help you navigate the challenges and sift through the noise.

Let’s keep moving, moms! 

If personal or group training doesn’t work for you, know that the self-paced library is building and I’ve taken the approach that I use in the studio and put it into digital step-by-step programs so moms in or outside of Philadelphia, PA have access to quality programs designed just for moms!

If you’re just getting back to exercise after having a baby (6 weeks to 6 years out!) try this self-paced core progression. If you’ve just finished pelvic floor PT, transition back to exercise with this program (2 coaching sessions included!).

And if you can’t find what you need, please contact me with questions or suggestions!