2019 Fitness Reflections: Don't Skip This Goal Setting Step

Setting goals, creating an overall plan and then designing a step by step process to achieve that goal is a strength of mine almost to a fault (as it can be time consuming to create detailed plans). However, this strength is what allows me to help others reach their goals and why I keep Active Mom Fitness training personalized. One discussion I like to have with people before looking forward is to get a picture of their past. So this year, as we approach 2020 and you get ready to set fitness goals for the New Year, I encourage you to reflect on 2019.

Taking the time to acknowledge success and identify challenges will better prepare you to not only set realistic and achievable goals, but put more thought into your plan to achieve them. Do yourself a favor, find 10 minutes and use these questions as a guide. Take a day to let your answers process and then get to goal setting.

2019 Fitness Reflection Questions

1. I was able to be the most consistent with exercise when______.

2. The biggest barrier to interfere with my exercise routine was______.

3. If I plan ahead, I could work around that barrier by ______.

4. One physical activity I’m really happy I did this year was______.

5. One goal that turned out to be unrealistic was_______, because_________.

6. I said I was going to ______ this year, and I did!

7. Exercise this year made me feel______.

8. I really enjoyed being physically active with my family when we ______.

9. One area in my fitness that I could use more guidance and support is______.

10. Yay me! The best part of my wellness in 2019 was ______

I hope you found this reflection enlightening. Keep this in mind as you set and get ready to crush your 2020 goals! If you’re looking for guidance on setting and achieving new goals, schedule a free phone consultation to see if Active Mom Fitness can support you in the new year!