3 Reasons Resistance Training is Better than Cardio for Moms

In my opinion, resistance training is better. 

I’m speaking to the average mom who has little time or energy and isn’t training for any specific endurance event. If that sounds like you, and you’re a mom who wants to be heart healthy, wants to reduce the risk of injury and pain, and wants to feel and look strong in her body…resistance training beats cardio. If you’re in the position of having to make a choice between a strength or cardio workout, I’m making the choice for you, its resistance training). Here is why:

  1. Resistance training can improve your VO2 Max. V02 Max refers to the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can utilize during intense or maximal exercise. This measurement is generally considered the best indicator of cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance. Activities like running and spinning are often what we think of when we hear the term “cardio”, and we often associate those activities with improved cardiovascular health (heart health). And our assumptions are correct. Regular participation in activities like those most likely will improve your V02 Max/aerobic capacity. However, studies also show that resistance training, specifically various forms of circuit training, will also improve your cardiovascular health/V02 max. 

  2. Two for One: As mentioned above, the right resistance training workout will improve your cardiovascular health. Performing a 30-minute circuit training workout with 6-10 different exercises, three days per week is enough to improve your heart health, but also provides you with all of the benefits of strength training, like bone health, disease prevention, and blood sugar regulation. So if you’re like most moms and can’t imagine fitting in any more than short 20-30 minute workouts a few days per week, resistance training will cover both your strength and aerobic needs.

  3. Aesthetics: Having a baby can change the shape of your body, and this goes beyond weight. You might notice more rounded shoulders, a flatter but, or fat in places it wasn’t before. Resistance training specifically targets your muscles, and with the right program, you can build back your glutes, improve your posture, and increase your lean mass. Resistance training is essential if you’re trying to reshape your body. Not to say cardiovascular training will not do that, but it’s more of a side effect than an intention. 

So am I saying cardio activities like dance and brisk walking are not beneficial for moms? Nope, not at all. If you enjoy them and it’s something you can stay consistent with, then by all means you should do it. If you want to do a family bike ride every weekend or run a half marathon then yes, cardio can be an important part of your exercise program. If you enjoy the endorphins running produces, or if you’re exercising to lose weight then cardio might be great for you (side note, cardio isn’t better for weight loss, but it’s an additional way for you to burn calories outside of strength workouts). However, if your goal is to maintain general fitness and you want to maximize the benefits of exercise in the least amount of time…then resistance training IS better for moms. At least in my opinion.

Try Core, Function & Fitness for Moms. We meet live, virtually once per week for a 30-minute strength workout, and then you follow the recordings on your own time for a full week of resistance training benefits!