home workout

Fitness Consistency During a Pandemic: Plan Your Workouts Like You Plan Your Meals

Fitness Consistency During a Pandemic: Plan Your Workouts Like You Plan Your Meals

This year has been all about tips and tricks to stay motivated and consistent with your workouts. I’m here to offer you a new strategy, and although it won’t work for everyone, it will give you a chance to shift your perspective. The reason for writing this, came from a question I got about “how to stay motivated with fitness during a pandemic”. My first thought was…

Quiz: How Important is Fitness to You During the Holidays?

Quiz: How Important is Fitness to You During the Holidays?

Schedule irregularity, emotions/stress at a high level, guilt about nutritional choices, priority shifts...the holidays can derail your fitness. The truth is that for most of us, the period from the end of November to January looks different than your life right now. And before you even continue reading, I'd like you to ask yourself...how important is your fitness during the 5-6 weeks of the holiday season?

7 Best Ways to Balance Family and Fitness

7 Best Ways to Balance Family and Fitness

Is there such a thing as balance when it comes to fitness and family? Finding time for fitness has always been a non-negotiable for me. I need to exercise just as much as I need my daughter to understand the importance of exercise. It doesn’t mean it’s always easy, but it’s definitely doable if you want it to be.

Five Home Workout Tips For Moms: Exercise When You're Home With Kids?!?!

Five Home Workout Tips For Moms: Exercise When You're Home With Kids?!?!

These 5 Tips require a bit of a shift in how we think about exercise, but trust me, you can absolutely maintain and gain fitness while working out at home.

  1. Be creative in what you consider a workout.