For moms, living a long healthy life means seeing our kids grow up and witnessing who they become. In areas called Blue Zones, certain lifestyle habits help residents live to 90, 100, or beyond. Genetics plays a role, but researchers have found it’s our daily behaviors and environment that play a bigger role. So what can moms learn from the Blue Zones in order to live a long happy and healthy life with our children?
11 Ways to Keep Your School Age Child Active
It is challenging when your child is really young to find and make time to workout, especially at home and without interruption. I always tell new moms that all of the effort they put in early to prioritize exercise will pay off as their child gets older. However, now that my daughter is older, I realize that the effort doesn’t stop…it just looks different. Here are some things that have worked well for me since she’s become a physically active school-age child.
Six Healthy Habits I'm Happy I Stuck With (Part One)
I’m going to share with you Six Healthy Habits (2 part post) that I believe has made a difference in my daughter's health and perspective of what healthy is. This all comes from a week of reflection as she turned six...hence the 6 tips. Hopefully you can find that one of these is helpful and makes sense for you and your family. And if you don’t agree with any of them, I hope you at least enjoy the perspective that no matter how hard it is to maintain the habits when your kids are toddlers/preschoolers, it can prove to be worth it when they’re a bit older.
Exercising for Weight Loss: Are You Taking the Right Approach?
When it comes to weight loss, there are many factors, but simplified, to lose weight you need more energy (calories) going out than energy (calories) coming in. This is where exercise is an asset.
I have one disclaimer before I dive into my recommended approach. I titled this article using the word “exercise”, but what I’m really talking about is the umbrella term Physical Activity. Physical activity is broad and means your body is moving, whether for sport, fun, commuting, exercise, etc. I make this distinction because I consider exercise a structured form of physical activity that comes with the intention of improving physical fitness. Both require energy so we’ll discuss both exercise and physical activity in my top three considerations for weight loss.